
Convert ROOT files to HDF5 on the SGE.

The INPUT_PATH will be scanned recursively and if -s is specified, a substring will be used to filter the files. You can for example convert all numu CC files in /in2p3/km3net/mc/prod/v4/JTE_r2356 if you call the script with -i -s numuCC (-i indicates that the path is an IRODS path).

Before constructing the job scripts, the OUTPUT_PATH will be traversed to find files which have already been converted to avoid multiple conversions.

Usage: INPUT_PATH OUTPUT_PATH [options] (-h | –help)
INPUT_PATH Path the the files (local or full IRODS path -> use -i). OUTPUT_PATH Path to store the converted HDF5 files. -i Indicates that the INPUT_PATH is an IRODS path. -s SUBSTRING String to match on filenames. -n N_FILES Number of files to process per job [default: 10]. -e ET Estimated walltime per file in minutes [default: 15]. -m VMEM Estimated vmem for a job [default: 8G]. -j JOBNAME The name of the submitted jobs [default: tohdf5]. -l LOG_PATH Path of the job log files [default: qlogs]. -q Dryrun: don’t submit jobs, just print the first jobscript. -h –help Show this screen.

Module Contents


mkdir(path) Create folder if it does not exist.

Create folder if it does not exist.
