Source code for km3pipe.utils.i3toroot

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Convert an I3 file to ROOT.

Direct conversion to HDF5 is possible in theory, but the Lyon seatray
installation has a broken h5/pytables install.

Usage: INFILE -h | --help

    -h --help     Show this screen.

from docopt import docopt

# order of these imports is crucial!!!
from icecube import icetray, dataio    # noqa
from I3Tray import I3Tray
from icecube.tableio import I3TableWriter
from icecube.rootwriter import I3ROOTTableService

[docs]def i3toroot(infile): rootfile = infile + '.root' tray = I3Tray() tray.AddModule('I3Reader', 'i3reader', filename=infile) root = I3ROOTTableService(rootfile) tray.AddModule( I3TableWriter, 'writer', tableservice=root, BookEverything=True, ) tray.AddModule('TrashCan', 'dustbin') tray.Execute() tray.Finish()
[docs]def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) infile = args['INFILE'] i3toroot(infile)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()