Source code for km3modules.k40

# Filename:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=locally-disabled
A collection of k40 related functions and modules.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import os
from itertools import combinations
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from datetime import datetime
import io

from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
import h5py
import pickle
import numba as nb

import km3pipe as kp
from import TMCHData

__author__ = "Jonas Reubelt"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]log = kp.logger.get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=C0103
# log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs]TIMESLICE_LENGTH = 0.1 # [s]
[docs]MC_ANG_DIST = np.array([-0.72337394, 2.59196335, -0.43594182, 1.10514914])
[docs]class K40BackgroundSubtractor(kp.Module): """Subtracts random coincidence background from K40 data Required Services ----------------- 'MedianPMTRates()': dict (key=dom_id, value=list of pmt rates) Output Keys ----------- 'K40Counts': dict, Corrected K40 counts """
[docs] def configure(self): self.combs = list(combinations(range(31), 2)) self.mode = self.get("mode", default='online') self.expose(self.get_corrected_counts, 'GetCorrectedTwofoldCounts') self.corrected_counts = None
[docs] def process(self, blob): if self.mode != 'online': return blob self.print( 'Subtracting random background calculated from single rates' ) corrected_counts = self.subtract_background() blob['CorrectedTwofoldCounts'] = corrected_counts return blob
[docs] def get_corrected_counts(self): return self.corrected_counts
[docs] def subtract_background(self): counts =['TwofoldCounts'] dom_ids = list(counts.keys()) mean_rates =['GetMedianPMTRates']() corrected_counts = {} livetimes =['GetLivetime']() for dom_id in dom_ids: try: pmt_rates = mean_rates[dom_id] except KeyError: log.warning( "Skipping BG correction for DOM {}.".format(dom_id) ) corrected_counts[dom_id] = counts[dom_id] continue livetime = livetimes[dom_id] k40_rates = counts[dom_id] / livetime bg_rates = [] for c in self.combs: bg_rates.append(pmt_rates[c[0]] * pmt_rates[c[1]] * 1e-9) corrected_counts[ dom_id] = (k40_rates.T - np.array(bg_rates)).T * livetime return corrected_counts
[docs] def finish(self): if self.mode == 'offline': self.print('Subtracting background calculated from summaryslices.') self.corrected_counts = self.subtract_background()
[docs] def dump(self, mean_rates, corrected_counts, livetime): pickle.dump(mean_rates, open('mean_rates.p', 'wb')) pickle.dump({ 'data': corrected_counts, 'livetime': livetime }, open("k40_counts_bg_sub.p", "wb"))
[docs]class IntraDOMCalibrator(kp.Module): """Intra DOM calibrator which performs the calibration from K40Counts. Parameters ---------- det_id: int Detector ID [default: 14] ctmin: float Minimum cos(angle) mode: str ('offline' | 'online') Calibration mode [default: 'online'] Input Keys ---------- 'TwofoldCounts': dict (key=dom_id, value=matrix of k40 counts 465x(dt*2+1)) 'CorrectedTwofoldCounts': dict (key=dom_id, value=matrix of k40 counts 465x(dt*2+1)) Output Keys ----------- 'IntraDOMCalibration': dict (key=dom_id, value=calibration) """
[docs] def configure(self): det_id = self.get("det_id") or 14 self.detector = kp.hardware.Detector(det_id=det_id) self.ctmin = self.require("ctmin") self.mode = self.get("mode", default="online") self.calib_filename = self.get("calib_filename", default="k40_cal.p")
[docs] def process(self, blob): if self.mode != 'online': return blob if 'CorrectedTwofoldCounts' in blob:"Using corrected twofold counts") fit_background = False twofold_counts = blob['CorrectedTwofoldCounts'] else:"No corrected twofold counts found, fitting background.") twofold_counts =['TwofoldCounts'] fit_background = True blob['IntraDOMCalibration'] = self.calibrate( twofold_counts, fit_background ) return blob
[docs] def calibrate(self, twofold_counts, fit_background=False): self.print("Starting calibration:") calibration = {} for dom_id, data in twofold_counts.items(): self.print(" calibrating DOM '{0}'".format(dom_id)) try: livetime =['GetLivetime']()[dom_id] calib = calibrate_dom( dom_id, data, self.detector, livetime=livetime, fit_background=fit_background, ad_fit_shape='exp', ctmin=self.ctmin ) except RuntimeError: log.error(" skipping DOM '{0}'.".format(dom_id)) except KeyError: log.error(" skipping DOM '{0}', no livetime".format(dom_id)) else: calibration[dom_id] = calib return calibration
[docs] def finish(self): if self.mode == 'offline': self.print("Starting offline calibration") if 'GetCorrectedTwofoldCounts' in self.print("Using corrected twofold counts") twofold_counts =['GetCorrectedTwofoldCounts']() fit_background = False else: self.print("Using uncorrected twofold counts") twofold_counts =['TwofoldCounts'] fit_background = True calibration = self.calibrate( twofold_counts, fit_background=fit_background ) self.print( "Dumping calibration to '{}'.".format(self.calib_filename) ) with open(self.calib_filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(calibration, f)
[docs]class TwofoldCounter(kp.Module): """Counts twofold coincidences in timeslice hits per PMT combination. Parameters ---------- 'tmax': int time window of twofold coincidences [ns] 'dump_filename': str name for the dump file Input Keys ---------- 'TSHits': RawHitSeries Services -------- 'TwofoldCounts': dict (key=dom_id, value=matrix (465,(dt*2+1))) 'ResetTwofoldCounts': reset the TwofoldCounts dict 'GetLivetime()': dict (key=dom_id, value=float) 'DumpTwofoldCounts': Writes twofold counts into 'dump_filename' """
[docs] def configure(self): self.tmax = self.get("tmax") or 20 self.dump_filename = self.get("dump_filename") self.counts = None self.n_timeslices = None self.start_time = datetime.utcnow() self.reset() self.expose(self.counts, 'TwofoldCounts') self.expose(self.get_livetime, 'GetLivetime') self.expose(self.reset, 'ResetTwofoldCounts') if self.dump_filename is not None: self.expose(self.dump, 'DumpTwofoldCounts') if 'GetSkippedFrames' in self.skipped_frames =['GetSkippedFrames']() else: self.skipped_frames = None
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset coincidence counter""" self.counts = defaultdict(partial(np.zeros, (465, self.tmax * 2 + 1))) self.n_timeslices = defaultdict(int)
[docs] def get_livetime(self): return { dom_id: n * TIMESLICE_LENGTH for dom_id, n in self.n_timeslices.items()
[docs] def process(self, blob): log.debug("Processing timeslice") hits = blob['TSHits'] frame_index = blob['TimesliceInfo'].frame_index dom_ids = set(np.unique(hits.dom_id)) if self.skipped_frames is not None: skipped_dom_ids = set(self.skipped_frames[frame_index]) else: skipped_dom_ids = set() for dom_id in dom_ids - skipped_dom_ids: self.n_timeslices[dom_id] += 1 mask = hits.dom_id == dom_id times = hits.time[mask] channel_ids = hits.channel_id[mask] sort_idc = np.argsort(times, kind='quicksort') add_to_twofold_matrix( times[sort_idc], channel_ids[sort_idc], self.counts[dom_id], tmax=self.tmax ) return blob
[docs] def dump(self): """Write coincidence counts into a Python pickle""" self.print("Dumping data to {}".format(self.dump_filename)) pickle.dump({ 'data': self.counts, 'livetime': self.get_livetime() }, open(self.dump_filename, "wb"))
[docs]class HRVFIFOTimesliceFilter(kp.Module): """Creat a frame index lookup table which holds DOM IDs of frames with at least one PMT in HRV."""
[docs] def configure(self): filename = self.require('filename') filter_hrv = self.get('filter_hrv', default=False) self.expose(self.get_skipped_frames, 'GetSkippedFrames') self.skipped_frames = defaultdict(list) p = for b in p: sum_info = b['SummarysliceInfo'] frame_index = sum_info.frame_index summaryslice = b['Summaryslice'] for dom_id, sf in summaryslice.items(): if not sf['fifo_status'] or (filter_hrv and any(sf['hrvs'])): self.skipped_frames[frame_index].append(dom_id)
[docs] def get_skipped_frames(self): return self.skipped_frames
[docs]class SummaryMedianPMTRateService(kp.Module):
[docs] def configure(self): self.expose(self.get_median_rates, "GetMedianPMTRates") self.filename = self.require('filename')
[docs] def get_median_rates(self): rates = defaultdict(list) if 'GetSkippedFrames' in skipped_frames =['GetSkippedFrames']() else: skipped_frames = None p = for b in p: sum_info = b['SummarysliceInfo'] frame_index = sum_info.frame_index summary = b['Summaryslice'] for dom_id in summary.keys(): if skipped_frames is not None and \ dom_id in skipped_frames[frame_index]: continue rates[dom_id].append(summary[dom_id]['rates']) median_rates = {} for dom_id in rates.keys(): median_rates[dom_id] = np.median(rates[dom_id], axis=0) return median_rates
[docs]class MedianPMTRatesService(kp.Module):
[docs] def configure(self): self.rates = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) self.expose(self.get_median_rates, 'GetMedianPMTRates')
[docs] def process(self, blob): try: tmch_data = TMCHData(io.BytesIO(blob['CHData'])) except ValueError as e: self.log.error(e) self.log.error("Skipping corrupt monitoring channel packet.") return dom_id = tmch_data.dom_id for channel_id, rate in enumerate(tmch_data.pmt_rates): self.rates[dom_id][channel_id].append(rate)
[docs] def get_median_rates(self): self.print("Calculating median PMT rates.") median_rates = {} for dom_id in self.rates.keys(): median_rates[dom_id] = [ np.median(self.rates[dom_id][c]) for c in range(31) ] self.rates = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) return median_rates
[docs]class ResetTwofoldCounts(kp.Module):
[docs] def process(self, blob): if 'DumpTwofoldCounts' in self.print("Request twofold dump...")['DumpTwofoldCounts']() self.print("Resetting twofold counts")['ResetTwofoldCounts']() return blob
[docs]def calibrate_dom( dom_id, data, detector, livetime=None, fit_ang_dist=False, scale_mc_to_data=True, ad_fit_shape='pexp', fit_background=True, ctmin=-1. ): """Calibrate intra DOM PMT time offsets, efficiencies and sigmas Parameters ---------- dom_id: DOM ID data: dict of coincidences or root or hdf5 file detector: instance of detector class livetime: data-taking duration [s] fixed_ang_dist: fixing angular distribution e.g. for data mc comparison auto_scale: auto scales the fixed angular distribution to the data Returns ------- return_data: dictionary with fit results """ if isinstance(data, str): filename = data loaders = { '.h5': load_k40_coincidences_from_hdf5, '.root': load_k40_coincidences_from_rootfile } try: loader = loaders[os.path.splitext(filename)[1]] except KeyError: log.critical('File format not supported.') raise IOError else: data, livetime = loader(filename, dom_id) combs = np.array(list(combinations(range(31), 2))) angles = calculate_angles(detector, combs) cos_angles = np.cos(angles) angles = angles[cos_angles >= ctmin] data = data[cos_angles >= ctmin] combs = combs[cos_angles >= ctmin] try: fit_res = fit_delta_ts(data, livetime, fit_background=fit_background) rates, means, sigmas, popts, pcovs = fit_res except: return 0 rate_errors = np.array([np.diag(pc)[2] for pc in pcovs]) # mean_errors = np.array([np.diag(pc)[0] for pc in pcovs]) scale_factor = None if fit_ang_dist: fit_res = fit_angular_distribution( angles, rates, rate_errors, shape=ad_fit_shape ) fitted_rates, exp_popts, exp_pcov = fit_res else: mc_fitted_rates = exponential_polinomial(np.cos(angles), *MC_ANG_DIST) if scale_mc_to_data: scale_factor = np.mean(rates[angles < 1.5]) / \ np.mean(mc_fitted_rates[angles < 1.5]) else: scale_factor = 1. fitted_rates = mc_fitted_rates * scale_factor exp_popts = [] exp_pcov = [] print('Using angular distribution from Monte Carlo') # t0_weights = np.array([0. if a>1. else 1. for a in angles]) if not fit_background: minimize_weights = calculate_weights(fitted_rates, data) else: minimize_weights = fitted_rates opt_t0s = minimize_t0s(means, minimize_weights, combs) opt_sigmas = minimize_sigmas(sigmas, minimize_weights, combs) opt_qes = minimize_qes(fitted_rates, rates, minimize_weights, combs) corrected_means = correct_means(means, opt_t0s.x, combs) corrected_rates = correct_rates(rates, opt_qes.x, combs) rms_means, rms_corrected_means = calculate_rms_means( means, corrected_means ) rms_rates, rms_corrected_rates = calculate_rms_rates( rates, fitted_rates, corrected_rates ) cos_angles = np.cos(angles) return_data = { 'opt_t0s': opt_t0s, 'opt_qes': opt_qes, 'data': data, 'means': means, 'rates': rates, 'fitted_rates': fitted_rates, 'angles': angles, 'corrected_means': corrected_means, 'corrected_rates': corrected_rates, 'rms_means': rms_means, 'rms_corrected_means': rms_corrected_means, 'rms_rates': rms_rates, 'rms_corrected_rates': rms_corrected_rates, 'gaussian_popts': popts, 'livetime': livetime, 'exp_popts': exp_popts, 'exp_pcov': exp_pcov, 'scale_factor': scale_factor, 'opt_sigmas': opt_sigmas, 'sigmas': sigmas, 'combs': combs } return return_data
[docs]def calculate_weights(fitted_rates, data): comb_mean_rates = np.mean(data, axis=1) greater_zero = np.array(comb_mean_rates > 0, dtype=int) return fitted_rates * greater_zero
[docs]def load_k40_coincidences_from_hdf5(filename, dom_id): """Load k40 coincidences from hdf5 file Parameters ---------- filename: filename of hdf5 file dom_id: DOM ID Returns ------- data: numpy array of coincidences livetime: duration of data-taking """ with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as h5f: data = h5f['/k40counts/{0}'.format(dom_id)] livetime = data.attrs['livetime'] data = np.array(data) return data, livetime
[docs]def load_k40_coincidences_from_rootfile(filename, dom_id): """Load k40 coincidences from JMonitorK40 ROOT file Parameters ---------- filename: root file produced by JMonitorK40 dom_id: DOM ID Returns ------- data: numpy array of coincidences dom_weight: weight to apply to coincidences to get rate in Hz """ from ROOT import TFile root_file_monitor = TFile(filename, "READ") dom_name = str(dom_id) + ".2S" histo_2d_monitor = root_file_monitor.Get(dom_name) data = [] for c in range(1, histo_2d_monitor.GetNbinsX() + 1): combination = [] for b in range(1, histo_2d_monitor.GetNbinsY() + 1): combination.append(histo_2d_monitor.GetBinContent(c, b)) data.append(combination) weights = {} weights_histo = root_file_monitor.Get('weights_hist') try: for i in range(1, weights_histo.GetNbinsX() + 1): # we have to read all the entries, unfortunately weight = weights_histo.GetBinContent(i) label = weights_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i) weights[label[3:]] = weight dom_weight = weights[str(dom_id)] except AttributeError:"Weights histogram broken or not found, setting weight to 1.") dom_weight = 1. return np.array(data), dom_weight
[docs]def gaussian(x, mean, sigma, rate, offset): return rate / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / \ sigma * np.exp(-0.5 * (x - mean)**2 / sigma**2) + offset
[docs]def gaussian_wo_offset(x, mean, sigma, rate): return rate / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / \ sigma * np.exp(-0.5 * (x - mean)**2 / sigma**2)
[docs]def fit_delta_ts(data, livetime, fit_background=True): """Fits gaussians to delta t for each PMT pair. Parameters ---------- data: 2d np.array: x = PMT combinations (465), y = time, entry = frequency livetime: length of data taking in seconds fit_background: if True: fits gaussian with offset, else without offset Returns ------- numpy arrays with rates and means for all PMT combinations """ data = data / livetime start = -(data.shape[1] - 1) / 2 end = -start + 1 xs = np.arange(start, end) rates = [] sigmas = [] means = [] popts = [] pcovs = [] for combination in data: mean0 = np.argmax(combination) + start try: if fit_background: popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit( gaussian, xs, combination, p0=[mean0, 4., 5., 0.1], bounds=([start, 0, 0, 0], [end, 10, 10, 1]) ) else: popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit( gaussian_wo_offset, xs, combination, p0=[mean0, 4., 5.], bounds=([start, 0, 0], [end, 10, 10]) ) except RuntimeError: popt = (0, 0, 0, 0) rates.append(popt[2]) means.append(popt[0]) sigmas.append(popt[1]) popts.append(popt) pcovs.append(pcov) return ( np.array(rates), np.array(means), np.array(sigmas), np.array(popts), np.array(pcovs)
[docs]def calculate_angles(detector, combs): """Calculates angles between PMT combinations according to positions in detector_file Parameters ---------- detector_file: file from which to read the PMT positions (.detx) combs: pmt combinations Returns ------- angles: numpy array of angles between all PMT combinations """ angles = [] pmt_angles = detector.pmt_angles for first, second in combs: angles.append( kp.math.angle_between( np.array(pmt_angles[first]), np.array(pmt_angles[second]) ) ) return np.array(angles)
[docs]def exponential_polinomial(x, p1, p2, p3, p4): return 1 * np.exp(p1 + x * (p2 + x * (p3 + x * p4)))
[docs]def exponential(x, a, b): return a * np.exp(b * x)
[docs]def fit_angular_distribution(angles, rates, rate_errors, shape='pexp'): """Fits angular distribution of rates. Parameters ---------- rates: numpy array with rates for all PMT combinations angles: numpy array with angles for all PMT combinations shape: which function to fit; exp for exponential or pexp for exponential_polinomial Returns ------- fitted_rates: numpy array of fitted rates (fit_function(angles, popt...)) """ if shape == 'exp': fit_function = exponential # p0 = [-0.91871169, 2.72224241, -1.19065965, 1.48054122] if shape == 'pexp': fit_function = exponential_polinomial # p0 = [0.34921202, 2.8629577] cos_angles = np.cos(angles) popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(fit_function, cos_angles, rates) fitted_rates = fit_function(cos_angles, *popt) return fitted_rates, popt, pcov
[docs]def minimize_t0s(means, weights, combs): """Varies t0s to minimize the deviation of the gaussian means from zero. Parameters ---------- means: numpy array of means of all PMT combinations weights: numpy array of weights for the squared sum combs: pmt combinations to use for minimization Returns ------- opt_t0s: optimal t0 values for all PMTs """ def make_quality_function(means, weights, combs): def quality_function(t0s): sq_sum = 0 for mean, comb, weight in zip(means, combs, weights): sq_sum += ((mean - (t0s[comb[1]] - t0s[comb[0]])) * weight)**2 return sq_sum return quality_function qfunc = make_quality_function(means, weights, combs) # t0s = np.zeros(31) t0s = np.random.rand(31) bounds = [(0, 0)] + [(-10., 10.)] * 30 opt_t0s = optimize.minimize(qfunc, t0s, bounds=bounds) return opt_t0s
[docs]def minimize_sigmas(sigmas, weights, combs): """Varies sigmas to minimize gaussian sigma12 - sqrt(sigma1² + sigma2²). Parameters ---------- sigmas: numpy array of fitted sigmas of gaussians weights: numpy array of weights for the squared sum combs: pmt combinations to use for minimization Returns ------- opt_sigmas: optimal sigma values for all PMTs """ def make_quality_function(sigmas, weights, combs): def quality_function(s): sq_sum = 0 for sigma, comb, weight in zip(sigmas, combs, weights): sigma_sqsum = np.sqrt(s[comb[1]]**2 + s[comb[0]]**2) sq_sum += ((sigma - sigma_sqsum) * weight)**2 return sq_sum return quality_function qfunc = make_quality_function(sigmas, weights, combs) s = np.ones(31) * 2.5 # s = np.random.rand(31) bounds = [(0., 5.)] * 31 opt_sigmas = optimize.minimize(qfunc, s, bounds=bounds) return opt_sigmas
[docs]def minimize_qes(fitted_rates, rates, weights, combs): """Varies QEs to minimize the deviation of the rates from the fitted_rates. Parameters ---------- fitted_rates: numpy array of fitted rates from fit_angular_distribution rates: numpy array of rates of all PMT combinations weights: numpy array of weights for the squared sum combs: pmt combinations to use for minimization Returns ------- opt_qes: optimal qe values for all PMTs """ def make_quality_function(fitted_rates, rates, weights, combs): def quality_function(qes): sq_sum = 0 for fitted_rate, comb, rate, weight \ in zip(fitted_rates, combs, rates, weights): sq_sum += ((rate / qes[comb[0]] / qes[comb[1]] - fitted_rate) * weight)**2 return sq_sum return quality_function qfunc = make_quality_function(fitted_rates, rates, weights, combs) qes = np.ones(31) bounds = [(0.1, 2.)] * 31 opt_qes = optimize.minimize(qfunc, qes, bounds=bounds) return opt_qes
[docs]def correct_means(means, opt_t0s, combs): """Applies optimal t0s to gaussians means. Should be around zero afterwards. Parameters ---------- means: numpy array of means of gaussians of all PMT combinations opt_t0s: numpy array of optimal t0 values for all PMTs combs: pmt combinations used to correct Returns ------- corrected_means: numpy array of corrected gaussian means for all PMT combs """ corrected_means = np.array([(opt_t0s[comb[1]] - opt_t0s[comb[0]]) - mean for mean, comb in zip(means, combs)]) return corrected_means
[docs]def correct_rates(rates, opt_qes, combs): """Applies optimal qes to rates. Should be closer to fitted_rates afterwards. Parameters ---------- rates: numpy array of rates of all PMT combinations opt_qes: numpy array of optimal qe values for all PMTs combs: pmt combinations used to correct Returns ------- corrected_rates: numpy array of corrected rates for all PMT combinations """ corrected_rates = np.array([ rate / opt_qes[comb[0]] / opt_qes[comb[1]] for rate, comb in zip(rates, combs) ]) return corrected_rates
[docs]def calculate_rms_means(means, corrected_means): """Calculates RMS of means from zero before and after correction Parameters ---------- means: numpy array of means of gaussians of all PMT combinations corrected_means: numpy array of corrected gaussian means for all PMT combs Returns ------- rms_means: RMS of means from zero rms_corrected_means: RMS of corrected_means from zero """ rms_means = np.sqrt(np.mean((means - 0)**2)) rms_corrected_means = np.sqrt(np.mean((corrected_means - 0)**2)) return rms_means, rms_corrected_means
[docs]def calculate_rms_rates(rates, fitted_rates, corrected_rates): """Calculates RMS of rates from fitted_rates before and after correction Parameters ---------- rates: numpy array of rates of all PMT combinations corrected_rates: numpy array of corrected rates for all PMT combinations Returns ------- rms_rates: RMS of rates from fitted_rates rms_corrected_rates: RMS of corrected_ratesrates from fitted_rates """ rms_rates = np.sqrt(np.mean((rates - fitted_rates)**2)) rms_corrected_rates = np.sqrt(np.mean((corrected_rates - fitted_rates)**2)) return rms_rates, rms_corrected_rates
[docs]def get_comb_index(i, j): """Return the index of PMT pair combinations""" return i * 30 - i * (i + 1) // 2 + j - 1
[docs]def add_to_twofold_matrix(times, tdcs, mat, tmax=10): """Add counts to twofold coincidences for a given `tmax`. Parameters ---------- times: np.ndarray of hit times (int32) tdcs: np.ndarray of channel_ids (uint8) mat: ref to a np.array((465, tmax * 2 + 1)) tmax: int (time window) Returns ------- mat: coincidence matrix (np.array((465, tmax * 2 + 1))) """ h_idx = 0 # index of initial hit c_idx = 0 # index of coincident candidate hit n_hits = len(times) multiplicity = 0 while h_idx <= n_hits: c_idx = h_idx + 1 if (c_idx < n_hits) and (times[c_idx] - times[h_idx] <= tmax): multiplicity = 2 c_idx += 1 while (c_idx < n_hits) and (times[c_idx] - times[h_idx] <= tmax): c_idx += 1 multiplicity += 1 if multiplicity != 2: h_idx = c_idx continue c_idx -= 1 h_tdc = tdcs[h_idx] c_tdc = tdcs[c_idx] h_time = times[h_idx] c_time = times[c_idx] if h_tdc != c_tdc: dt = int(c_time - h_time) if h_tdc > c_tdc: mat[get_comb_index(c_tdc, h_tdc), -dt + tmax] += 1 else: mat[get_comb_index(h_tdc, c_tdc), dt + tmax] += 1 h_idx = c_idx
# jmonitork40_comb_indices = \ # np.array((254, 423, 424, 391, 392, 255, 204, 205, 126, 120, 121, 0, # 22, 12, 80, 81, 23, 48, 49, 148, 150, 96, 296, 221, 190, 191, 297, 312, # 313, 386, 355, 132, 110, 431, 42, 433, 113, 256, 134, 358, 192, 74, # 176, 36, 402, 301, 270, 69, 384, 2, 156, 38, 178, 70, 273, 404, 302, # 77, 202, 351, 246, 440, 133, 262, 103, 118, 44, 141, 34, 4, 64, 30, # 196, 91, 172, 61, 292, 84, 157, 198, 276, 182, 281, 410, 381, 289, # 405, 439, 247, 356, 102, 263, 119, 140, 45, 35, 88, 65, 194, 31, # 7, 60, 173, 82, 294, 158, 409, 277, 280, 183, 200, 288, 382, 406, # 212, 432, 128, 388, 206, 264, 105, 72, 144, 52, 283, 6, 19, 14, # 169, 24, 310, 97, 379, 186, 218, 59, 93, 152, 317, 304, 111, 387, # 129, 207, 104, 265, 73, 18, 53, 5, 284, 146, 168, 15, 308, 26, # 98, 92, 187, 58, 219, 380, 316, 154, 305, 112, 434, 257, 357, 135, # 193, 300, 177, 401, 37, 75, 68, 271, 1, 385, 159, 403, 179, 272, # 71, 39, 76, 303, 203, 213, 393, 248, 442, 298, 145, 184, 89, 377, # 315, 216, 57, 309, 27, 99, 8, 54, 16, 171, 287, 153, 21, 78, # 394, 441, 249, 299, 314, 185, 376, 90, 147, 56, 217, 25, 311, 100, # 286, 55, 170, 17, 9, 20, 155, 79, 425, 426, 383, 306, 220, 290, # 291, 307, 188, 189, 149, 151, 101, 86, 13, 50, 51, 87, 28, 29, # 3, 352, 399, 375, 274, 407, 197, 285, 180, 279, 83, 295, 160, 199, # 66, 174, 63, 33, 10, 95, 40, 400, 282, 275, 195, 408, 378, 278, # 181, 293, 85, 161, 32, 67, 62, 175, 201, 94, 11, 41, 435, 415, # 359, 360, 436, 347, 348, 258, 259, 318, 136, 162, 222, 223, 137, 114, # 115, 43, 451, 443, 266, 389, 335, 456, 208, 396, 363, 250, 238, 327, # 235, 107, 130, 215, 116, 343, 344, 452, 461, 462, 331, 332, 417, 226, # 324, 371, 372, 229, 240, 241, 163, 142, 267, 230, 412, 122, 428, 319, # 353, 227, 340, 166, 47, 108, 253, 138, 444, 411, 231, 427, 123, 320, # 46, 228, 165, 341, 354, 252, 109, 139, 455, 336, 395, 209, 364, 106, # 239, 234, 328, 251, 214, 131, 117, 373, 447, 243, 418, 164, 369, 325, # 460, 342, 329, 237, 224, 242, 448, 419, 339, 370, 459, 326, 167, 236, # 330, 225, 127, 365, 124, 333, 244, 450, 430, 397, 211, 260, 366, 429, # 334, 449, 245, 125, 210, 398, 261, 321, 420, 421, 422, 322, 367, 368, # 323, 345, 413, 232, 143, 268, 446, 361, 463, 464, 346, 453, 454, 416, # 374, 233, 337, 458, 349, 414, 457, 338, 350, 445, 269, 362, 390, 437, # 438)) # """ jmonitork40_comb_indices = \ np.array((417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 461, 369, 324, 371, 464, 427, 331, 237, 238, 333, 434, 415, 339, 231, 175, 232, 342, 278, 184, 61, 62, 186, 281, 220, 162, 54, 13, 56, 168, 459, 370, 325, 374, 423, 428, 328, 244, 239, 338, 343, 411, 346, 226, 178, 229, 270, 271, 181, 68, 69, 191, 170, 216, 164, 50, 16, 58, 462, 373, 326, 327, 429, 424, 337, 240, 245, 222, 345, 412, 347, 228, 179, 180, 272, 273, 190, 70, 71, 48, 163, 217, 172, 57, 17, 463, 372, 234, 332, 430, 431, 334, 241, 174, 230, 340, 416, 341, 233, 60, 185, 279, 280, 187, 63, 12, 52, 165, 221, 166, 59, 460, 242, 235, 336, 425, 432, 330, 223, 176, 225, 348, 413, 350, 64, 65, 189, 274, 275, 183, 49, 14, 55, 173, 218, 169, 335, 236, 243, 329, 433, 426, 344, 224, 177, 227, 349, 414, 188, 66, 67, 182, 276, 277, 171, 53, 15, 51, 167, 219, 387, 204, 128, 209, 396, 443, 435, 263, 112, 120, 249, 375, 283, 73, 6, 85, 301, 310, 306, 148, 22, 28, 154, 388, 208, 126, 211, 254, 451, 452, 256, 104, 105, 282, 383, 285, 84, 1, 87, 144, 312, 313, 150, 24, 25, 395, 210, 129, 110, 262, 436, 445, 248, 121, 72, 284, 376, 300, 86, 7, 18, 146, 307, 314, 152, 29, 389, 205, 111, 118, 247, 446, 437, 265, 4, 81, 299, 377, 287, 75, 19, 26, 149, 315, 308, 155, 390, 255, 102, 103, 257, 453, 454, 80, 0, 83, 286, 384, 289, 145, 20, 21, 151, 316, 317, 444, 246, 119, 113, 264, 438, 298, 82, 5, 74, 288, 378, 311, 147, 27, 23, 153, 309, 351, 136, 42, 138, 354, 403, 194, 33, 34, 200, 410, 385, 292, 91, 3, 94, 297, 359, 137, 44, 133, 399, 404, 196, 40, 35, 202, 290, 379, 303, 92, 10, 79, 352, 132, 45, 192, 405, 400, 198, 36, 41, 88, 302, 380, 294, 78, 11, 353, 139, 30, 195, 406, 407, 201, 37, 2, 90, 293, 386, 296, 95, 360, 38, 31, 197, 401, 408, 203, 89, 8, 77, 295, 381, 305, 193, 32, 39, 199, 409, 402, 291, 76, 9, 93, 304, 382, 355, 134, 46, 141, 362, 455, 439, 251, 108, 124, 269, 356, 140, 43, 143, 258, 447, 448, 260, 116, 117, 361, 142, 47, 106, 250, 440, 457, 268, 125, 357, 135, 107, 122, 267, 458, 441, 253, 358, 259, 114, 115, 261, 449, 450, 456, 266, 123, 109, 252, 442, 391, 212, 127, 214, 394, 397, 213, 130, 207, 392, 206, 131, 393, 215, 398)) """