Source code for km3modules.ahrs

# Filename:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=locally-disabled
AHRS calibration.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import io
from collections import defaultdict
import time
from import timed_cache
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import numpy as np
from numpy import cos, sin, arctan2
import km3pipe as kp
from import TMCHData

__author__ = "Tamas Gal"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]log = kp.logger.get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=C0103
# log.setLevel("DEBUG")
[docs]class AHRSCalibrator(kp.Module): """Calculates AHRS yaw, pitch and roll from median A and H of an interval. Required Parameters ------------------- det_id: int (detector ID, e.g. 29) Optional Parameters ------------------- interval: int (accumulation interval in [sec], default: 10s) Output Keys ----------- 'AHRSCalibration': dict: key=dom_id, value=tuple: (timestamp, du, floor, yaw, pitch, roll) """
[docs] def configure(self): det_id = self.require('det_id') self.interval = self.get('interval') or 10 # in sec self.A = defaultdict(list) self.H = defaultdict(list) self.detector = kp.hardware.Detector(det_id=det_id) self.db = self.get('dbmanager') or kp.db.DBManager() self.timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def process(self, blob): tmch_data = TMCHData(io.BytesIO(blob['CHData'])) dom_id = tmch_data.dom_id try: du, floor, _ = self.detector.doms[dom_id] except KeyError: # base CLB return blob self.A[dom_id].append(tmch_data.A) self.H[dom_id].append(tmch_data.H) if time.time() - self.timestamp > self.interval: self.timestamp = time.time() calib = self.calibrate() blob['AHRSCalibration'] = calib return blob
[docs] def calibrate(self): """Calculate yaw, pitch and roll from the median of A and H. After successful calibration, the `self.A` and `self.H` are reset. DOMs with missing AHRS pre-calibration data are skipped. Returns ------- dict: key=dom_id, value=tuple: (timestamp, du, floor, yaw, pitch, roll) """ now = time.time() dom_ids = self.A.keys() print( "Calibrating AHRS from median A and H for {} DOMs.".format( len(dom_ids) ) ) calibrations = {} for dom_id in dom_ids: print("Calibrating DOM ID {}".format(dom_id)) clb_upi = self.db.doms.via_dom_id(dom_id).clb_upi ahrs_calib = get_latest_ahrs_calibration(clb_upi) if ahrs_calib is None: log.warning("AHRS calibration missing for '{}'".format(dom_id)) continue du, floor, _ = self.detector.doms[dom_id] A = np.median(self.A[dom_id], axis=0) H = np.median(self.H[dom_id], axis=0) cyaw, cpitch, croll = fit_ahrs(A, H, *ahrs_calib) calibrations[dom_id] = (now, du, floor, cyaw, cpitch, croll) self.A = defaultdict(list) self.H = defaultdict(list) return calibrations
[docs]def fit_ahrs(A, H, Aoff, Arot, Hoff, Hrot): """Calculate yaw, pitch and roll for given A/H and calibration set. Author: Vladimir Kulikovsky Parameters ---------- A: list, tuple or numpy.array of shape (3,) H: list, tuple or numpy.array of shape (3,) Aoff: numpy.array of shape(3,) Arot: numpy.array of shape(3, 3) Hoff: numpy.array of shape(3,) Hrot: numpy.array of shape(3, 3) Returns ------- yaw, pitch, roll """ Acal = - Aoff, Arot) Hcal = - Hoff, Hrot) # invert axis for DOM upside down for i in (1, 2): Acal[i] = -Acal[i] Hcal[i] = -Hcal[i] roll = arctan2(-Acal[1], -Acal[2]) pitch = arctan2(Acal[0], np.sqrt(Acal[1] * Acal[1] + Acal[2] * Acal[2])) yaw = arctan2( Hcal[2] * sin(roll) - Hcal[1] * cos(roll), sum(( Hcal[0] * cos(pitch), Hcal[1] * sin(pitch) * sin(roll), Hcal[2] * sin(pitch) * cos(roll) )) ) yaw = np.degrees(yaw) while yaw < 0: yaw += 360 # yaw = (yaw + magnetic_declination + 360 ) % 360 roll = np.degrees(roll) pitch = np.degrees(pitch) return yaw, pitch, roll
@timed_cache(hours=1, maxsize=None, typed=False)
[docs]def get_latest_ahrs_calibration(clb_upi, max_version=3, db=None): """Retrieve the latest AHRS calibration data for a given CLB Parameters ---------- clb_upi: str max_version: int, maximum version to check, optional db: DBManager(), optional Returns ------- Aoff: numpy.array with shape(3,) Arot: numpy.array with shape(3,3) Hoff: numpy.array with shape(3,) Hrot: numpy.array with shape(3,3) or None if no calibration found. """ ahrs_upi = kp.db.clbupi2ahrsupi(clb_upi) if db is None: db = kp.db.DBManager() for version in range(max_version, 0, -1): raw_data = "" for n in range(1, 100): log.debug("Iteration #{} to get the calib data".format(n)) url = "show_product_test.htm?upi={0}&" \ "testtype=AHRS-CALIBRATION-v{1}&n={2}&out=xml" \ .format(ahrs_upi, version, n) log.debug("AHRS calib DB URL: {}".format(url)) _raw_data = db._get_content(url).replace('\n', '') log.debug("What I got back as AHRS calib: {}".format(_raw_data)) if len(_raw_data) == 0: break else: raw_data = _raw_data try: xroot = ET.parse(io.StringIO(raw_data)).getroot() except ET.ParseError: continue else: return _extract_calibration(xroot) return None
def _extract_calibration(xroot): """Extract AHRS calibration information from XML root. Parameters ---------- xroot: XML root Returns ------- Aoff: numpy.array with shape(3,) Arot: numpy.array with shape(3,3) Hoff: numpy.array with shape(3,) Hrot: numpy.array with shape(3,3) """ names = [c.text for c in xroot.findall(".//Name")] val = [[i.text for i in c] for c in xroot.findall(".//Values")] # The fields has to be reindeced, these are the index mappings col_ic = [int(v) for v in val[names.index("AHRS_Matrix_Column(-)")]] try: row_ic = [int(v) for v in val[names.index("AHRS_Matrix_Row(-)")]] except ValueError: row_ic = [2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] try: vec_ic = [int(v) for v in val[names.index("AHRS_Vector_Index(-)")]] except ValueError: vec_ic = [2, 1, 0] Aoff_ix = names.index("AHRS_Acceleration_Offset(g/ms^2-)") Arot_ix = names.index("AHRS_Acceleration_Rotation(-)") Hrot_ix = names.index("AHRS_Magnetic_Rotation(-)") Aoff = np.array(val[Aoff_ix])[vec_ic].astype(float) Arot = np.array(val[Arot_ix]).reshape(3, 3)[col_ic, row_ic] \ .reshape(3, 3).astype(float) Hrot = np.array(val[Hrot_ix]).reshape(3, 3)[col_ic, row_ic] \ .reshape(3, 3).astype(float) Hoff = [] for q in 'XYZ': values = [] for t in ('Min', 'Max'): ix = names.index("AHRS_Magnetic_{}{}(G-)".format(q, t)) values.append(float(val[ix][0])) Hoff.append(sum(values) / 2.) Hoff = np.array(Hoff) return Aoff, Arot, Hoff, Hrot