User Guide ========== KM3Pipe has two main workflows: An Event-by-event processing approach, and a 2D-table/array approach. The event-by-event approach is handled by the km3pipe *Pipeline*, where you chain together different modules for processing events (e.g. Hit cleaning, reconstruction), and then pump events -- also referred to as *blobs* -- down the pipeline. The table-based approach is using the python libraries ``numpy`` and ``pandas`` from the SciPy ecosystem, which are fast and easy tools for scientific computation and data analysis, based on a clean tabular data format. The preferred on-disk file format is :doc:`hdf5`, although km3pipe can read all ROOT/Text based km3net file format like Jpp, Aanet, Evt, etc. .. toctree:: pipeline datastructures features table hdf5 cmd db faq