Installation ============ .. contents:: :local: Important Note for Users of the CC-IN3P3 in Lyon ------------------------------------------------ KM3Pipe is preinstalled on the Lyon computing centre. Put this into your `~/.bashrc` or `~/.zshenv` (or whatever login script you prefer)::: source $KM3NET_THRONG_DIR/src/python/ To test if everything is working, run the following command:: km3pipe test And you are ready to go! This will work on both Scientific Linux 6 and Cent OS machines as the ``$KM3NET_THRONG_DIR``, set by your group environment, is pointing to different directories. The Python environment also contains the latest versions of all important and commonly used scientific packages like scipy, numpy, scikit-learn, pandas etc. If you are missing any packages, contact us and we will install them. Requirements ------------ To install km3pipe, you need: - Python >= 3.5 - pip (via ``$ easy_install pip``) - C compiler, e.g. ``gcc``. - HDF5 (the hdf5lib C library, e.g. `apt-get install hdf5` or `yum install hdf5`) (Recommended) PyEnv or Virtual Environments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A very clean and simple way to install any version of Python (we recommend 3.6.1+) is PyEnv ( It is easily set up and gives you a fresh installation without messing around with your systems Python environment:: git clone ~/.pyenv echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc echo -e 'if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then\n eval "$(pyenv init -)"\nfi' >> ~/.bashrc After that, log out and in (or close the terminal window and open a new one). To install and activate a Python version:: pyenv install 3.6.1 # obviously installs Python 3.6.1 pyenv global 3.6.1 # sets the global python version to 3.6.1 You can also use virtual environments ( to isolate your Python projects. Install ------- To install the latest stable version fromm the PyPI repository::: $ pip install km3pipe It might be advisable to use::: $ easy_install km3pipe on Windows. To get the latest version, use::: $ pip install git+ Install from Source ------------------- To install KM3Pipe from source, clone the git repository:: $ git clone check out your desired branch:: $ git checkout master # or any other branch you are interested in and run:: $ make install To install it in development-mode, which will just link the folder to your Python site-packages, so you will be able to modify KM3Pipe and use it immediately without the need to reinstall it:: $ make install-dev Run the Test Suite ------------------ To run the unit test suite, you can either run:: $ km3pipe test or if you have checked out the sources:: $ make test Updating -------- KM3Pipe comes with a command line utility called `km3pipe`, which can be used to update KM3Pipe itself:: $ km3pipe update Or you can of course use `pip`:: $ pip install --upgrade km3pipe To get the latest developer version:: $ km3pipe update master If you installed KM3Pipe from source via `make install-dev`, you simply pull the changes from git and rebuild it:: $ cd /path/to/km3pipe_repo $ git pull Configuration ------------- KM3Pipe can read frequently used information (like DB session cookies, API tokens, etc.) from a configuration file, which is expected to be `~/.km3net`. Here is an example configuration:: [General] check_for_updates=no [DB] cookie=sid_fooman_123.34.56.78_