.. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note Click :ref:`here ` to download the full example code .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_auto_examples_monitoring_tmch_sum_offsets.py: ===================================================== Check consistency of monitoring channel and TDC times ===================================================== This script picks a monitoring channel packet with no HRV flags for any PMT and tries to match one of the following 50 summaryslices using the PMT rates. The index of the summaryslice, the rates-diff and the time offsets are logged in a CSV file. .. code-block:: bash Usage: tmch_sum_offsets.py DOM_ID [-n N_TIMESLICES] tmch_sum_offsets.py (-h | --help) Options: DOM_ID The DOM ID. -n N_TIMESLICES The number of timeslices to investigate [default: 50]. -h --help Show this screen. .. code-block:: python from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import io import os import km3pipe as kp from km3pipe.io.daq import TMCHData, DAQPreamble, DAQSummaryslice import numpy as np __author__ = "Tamas Gal" __email__ = "tgal@km3net.de" VERSION = "1.0" log = kp.logger.get_logger("tmch_sum_offsets") class MonitoringChannelPicker(kp.Module): """Picks a monitoring channel packet with no HRV for a given DOM""" def configure(self): self.dom_id = self.require("dom_id") def process(self, blob): if not self.services['SummarysliceFound'](): return blob tag = str(blob['CHPrefix'].tag) if tag == 'IO_MONIT': tmch_data = TMCHData(io.BytesIO(blob['CHData'])) dom_id = tmch_data.dom_id if dom_id != self.dom_id or tmch_data.hrvbmp > 0: log.info("Skipping TMCH packet due to HRV flags") return blob blob['Candidate'] = tmch_data print("Next IO_MONIT candidate picked.") return blob class SummarysliceMatcher(kp.Module): def configure(self): self.dom_id = self.require("dom_id") self.n_timeslices = self.get("n_timeslices", default=50) self.expose(self.io_sum_found, 'SummarysliceFound') self._candidate = None self._rates_io_monit = None self._reset() filename = "tmch_sum_offsets_{}.csv".format(self.dom_id) self.fobj = self._get_file_handler(filename) def _reset(self): self._io_sum_found = True self._diff = [] self._summaries = [] self.i = 0 def _get_file_handler(self, filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): fobj = open(filename, 'w') fobj.write( "run dom_id nearest_idx diff " "tmch_timestamp tmch_ns " "summary_timestamp summary_ns\n" ) else: fobj = open(filename, 'a') return fobj def process(self, blob): if 'Candidate' in blob: print("Searching for new IO_SUM candidate") self._io_sum_found = False self._candidate = blob['Candidate'] self._rates_io_monit = np.array(self._candidate.pmt_rates) if self._candidate is None: return blob tag = str(blob['CHPrefix'].tag) if tag == 'IO_SUM': data = io.BytesIO(blob['CHData']) preamble = DAQPreamble(file_obj=data) # noqa summary = DAQSummaryslice(file_obj=data) try: rates = np.array(summary.summary_frames[self.dom_id]) except KeyError: print("No DOM data in summaryslice, skipping...") return blob self.i += 1 diff = np.sum(np.abs(self._rates_io_monit) - np.abs(rates)) self._diff.append(diff) self._summaries.append(summary) if self.i > self.n_timeslices: print("Trying to match a summaryslice.") idx_nearest = (np.abs(self._diff)).argmin() summary = self._summaries[idx_nearest] print( "min", min(self._diff), "max", max(self._diff), "nearest", self._diff[idx_nearest] ) print(self._rates_io_monit) print(summary.summary_frames[self.dom_id]) print( "Time of IO_MONIT:", self._candidate.utc_seconds, self._candidate.nanoseconds ) print( "Time of IO_SUM:", summary.header.time_stamp, summary.header.ticks * 16 ) self.fobj.write( "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format( self._candidate.run, self.dom_id, idx_nearest, self._diff[idx_nearest], self._candidate.utc_seconds, self._candidate.nanoseconds, summary.header.time_stamp, summary.header.ticks * 16 ) ) self._reset() self.fobj.flush() return blob def io_sum_found(self): """Service which tells if we are ready for the next TMCH packet""" return self._io_sum_found def finish(self): self.fobj.close() def main(): from docopt import docopt args = docopt(__doc__) dom_id = int(args['DOM_ID']) pipe = kp.Pipeline(timeit=True) pipe.attach( kp.io.CHPump, host='', port=5553, tags='IO_SUM, IO_MONIT', timeout=60 * 60 * 24 * 7, max_queue=1000 ) pipe.attach(MonitoringChannelPicker, dom_id=dom_id) pipe.attach( SummarysliceMatcher, dom_id=dom_id, n_timeslices=int(args['-n']) ) pipe.drain() if __name__ == "__main__": main() **Total running time of the script:** ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds) .. _sphx_glr_download_auto_examples_monitoring_tmch_sum_offsets.py: .. only :: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer :class: sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download :download:`Download Python source code: tmch_sum_offsets.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: tmch_sum_offsets.ipynb ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_